The impact of climate change in Sápmi raises serious concern over One Health issues in the region. The hybrid workshop held in Inari and Kevo Research Station in the Utsjoki Municipality was dedicated to current environmental and public health challenges including cultural and identity issues.

UArctic Chair in Arctic Humanities (Jan Borm, MIARC) and UArctic Emerita Chair in Arctic Health Arja Rautio (University of Oulu) met Janne Näkkäläjärvi and Mika Aromäki of Sámi Education Institute in Inari as well as Liisa Holmberg, Film Commissioner of the Arctic Indigenous Film Fund (Kautokeino), to envisage new solutions for One Health Issues in Sápmi from a broad transdisciplinary perspective. Discussions continued at Kevo Research Station with the participation of UArctic Chair in Permafrost Physical Processes Hanne Hvidtfeldt Christiansen and staff from the station.

A particular focal point concerned communication strategies of public health issues to younger generations going beyond the publication of research results in scientific journals. MIARC intends to draw increasingly on other media to reach wider and younger audiences. Storytelling through film is an efficient a way forward though it also raises new challenges in terms of science management.

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