The “Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research – Monaco-UVSQ” (MIARC) is dedicated to the study of Professor Jean Malaurie's circumpolar work and research in the Arctic Humanities. Its activities are inspired by and valorize the Arctic collections of Jean Malaurie, France's most distinguished Arctic specialist, donated by him in 2021 to the Institute of Oceanography/Foundation Prince Albert I of Monaco and Jean Malaurie's extensive circumpolar scientific oeuvre and writings, as well as the egalitarian spirit of Terre Humaine, the prestigious book series of narrative ethnography and testimonies founded by Malaurie at Plon Publishers in 1955.

MIARC focuses on the history of representations of the circumpolar North in remembrance and as a continuation of Prince Albert I's major expeditions to the Far North, including the links between Arctic societies and animals in the cryosphere, in association with the Institute of Oceanography of Monaco.

MIARC organizes annual scientific and expert meetings in Monaco, France and the Arctic at the most advanced international level, edits the interdisciplinary review Inter-Nord created by Jean Malaurie, and the book series Arctic Humanities directed by Professor Jan Borm at Brill publishers.

MIARC is funded by a grant from the Institute of Oceanography/Foundation Albert I of Monaco and operated by the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), founding and associate member of the University of Paris-Saclay, in association with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco/Foundation Albert I of Monaco.

DOWNLOAD HERE a presentation flyer on MIARC 


Jan Borm

Jan Borm

Full Professor, Director of the Institute

Ben Ferguson

Ben Ferguson

Post-doctoral Fellow

Joanna Kodzik

Joanna Kodzik

Junior Full Professor in Arctic Humanities

Alexandre Delangle

Alexandre Delangle

Early Stage Researcher

Edda Ayaydin

Eda Ayaydin

Teaching Fellow

Philippe Gruca

Philippe Gruca

Director of the Editorial Board of Inter-Nord

Olga Lauter

Olga Lauter

Early Stage Researcher

More about the MIARC team


Honorary President: Professor Jean Malaurie

Director: Professor Jan Borm


  • Honorary President of MIARC: Jean Malaurie
  • Director of MIARC: Jan Borm
  • Representative of the President of UVSQ (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
  • Representative of the Oceanographic Institute/Fondation Albert 1er de Monaco

Communications Officer: Marie Sikias


MIARC cooperates actively with:

  • the University of the Arctic (UARCTIC), notably within the framework of the UARCTIC Chair in ARCTIC HUMANITIES held by Professor Borm for a five-year term (2022-27),
  • the University of Lapland at Rovaniemi (ULAP), Finland
  • the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)
  • the German Polar Institute Alfred Wegener (AWI) with whom J. Borm has been organizing annually the “Gateway to the Arctic” workshop series for early stage researchers. This workshop series is funded by the Franco-German University in Saarbrücken:
  • the German Research Centre for Historical Travel Writing and Culture at the State Library in Eutin, Germany
  • the University of Iceland
  • the University of the Faroe Island


UARCTIC Regional Rectors’ Meeting at Versailles, December 6, 2021:

UArctic Chair in Arctic Humanities

Jan Borm is UARCTIC Chair in Arctic Humanities for the period 2022-2027. 

UARCTIC Chair in Arctic Humanities – announcement:

UARCTIC Chair news UVSQ (in French):

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