French cultural anthropologist, explorer, geographer, geomorphologist, and writer.
Quote Jean Malaurie: “Cultural diversity is a scientific reality which we must protect as much as possible, just like biodiversity. Otherwise, all of us in those megacities that keep on growing will become a people of ants, manipulated by words and images.”
MIARC actively participates in various projects at national, bilateral and international level.
Among those projects that are finished are for example: MADONNA : Mise en Valeur des collections universitaires, GREEN GREENLAND, POLARIS, ERIS and EDU-ARCTIC.
Those projects that are ongoing are: Cartography of Arctic Collections in France and Monaco & Moravians in Iceland – “Moravian vision of the Arctic”.
The University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is hosting the newly created UArctic Regional Centre for Continental Europe.
The UArctic Regional Centres were created to foster dialogue and engagement at the regional level. Liaison, networking and outreach activities are encouraged with local, national and international stakeholders.
4 February 2025
Prof. Jan Borm, Director of MIARC and UARCTIC Chair in Arctic Humanities, is one of the invited participants of the 4th AASCO workshop held at the Oceanographic Institute/Prince Albert I Foundation in Monaco, February 4-5, 2025.
29 January 2025
Thomas Mohnike, Full Professor for Sacndinavian Studieus at the Univrsity of Strasbourg and Dean of the Faculty of Langues will give this lecture as a part of the Jean Malaurie guest lecture series at the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ.
27 January 2025
Monique Durand a writer and journalist from Quebec/ Canada, memberof the Groupe de recherche sur l'écriture nord-côtière GRÉNOC, Cégep de Sept-Îles will give this lecture as a part of the Jean Malaurie guest lecture series at the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ.
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