Arctic Humanities

Arctic Humanities, Brill (Leyden and Boston) -

Series Editor: Jan Borm, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

Arctic Studies are a fast-growing field that increasingly draws media and public attention due to global warming and climate change. Their strong impact on the Arctic has opened new perspectives for development but also caused diverse conflicts that need to be studied not only from scientific, economic, and political points-of-view, but also from cultural and historical perspectives. The Arctic Humanities series provides a unique forum for Arctic-related scholarship in the human sciences from 1700 until the present day. It also welcomes collaborative approaches between the human, social and natural sciences. The series’ publications are destined for researchers and students in the Humanities and Environmental studies interested in Arctic societies, their history and culture as well as representations of their environment.

The series includes monographs, themed volumes, and scholarly resources that advance the Arctic Humanities.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals for manuscripts to the publisher at Brill,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please advise ourGuidelines for a Book Proposal.

ISSN: 2772-9621

Editorial Board

  • Tatiana Bulgakova, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Russia
  • Daniel Chartier, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Bergur D. Hansen, University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
  • Heidi Hansson, University of Umeå, Sweden
  • Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja University of Lapland at Rovaniemi, Finland
  • Sumarliði R. Ísleifsson, University of Iceland, Iceland
  • Pigga Keskitalo, University of Lapland at Rovaniemi, Finland
  • Alexandra Lavrillier, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/Université Paris-Saclay, France
  • Peter Schweitzer, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Peter Sköld, University of Umeå, Sweden
  • Marianne Stenbaek, Distinguished Professor in Anthropology (Canadian and Greenlandic Inuit), McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Kirsten Thisted, Associate Professor in Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Editorial Assistance

  • Benjamin Ferguson (PhD), North Carolina, USA

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