The ninth « Gateway to the Arctic » workshop has just taken place at UVSQ.

« Gateway to the Arctic » is a series of annual workshops aimed at early stage researchers (PhD or MA students), usually taking place in Germany or France. It is co-organised by AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute) and UVSQ (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) and funded by the French-German University in Saarbrucken.

Its focus is on Arctic research. Researchers participating to the seminars are issued from various disciplines : sociology, biochemistry, literature, atmospheric sciences, political science, glaciology, or history, to name just a few.

The aims of this series of workshops are many : develop the skills and knowledge of early stage researchers, foster pluridisciplinary research, enrich each other's understanding of the Arctic, shed new light on the works of researchers and create strongs bonds between French and German researchers and institutions.

The 2023 edition featured various enriching, lively and much appreciated presentations, discussions, visits and even a film. Partipants enjoyed a guided tour of the Arctic collections of the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris as well as a visit of the famous LATMOS laboratory (UVSQ/CNRS/Sorbonne Université/CNES) where they were able to discover various facilities and instruments such as lidars/radars used for missions in the Arctic. Last but not least, a farewell dinner reunited all participants around a « fondue » (French dish from the Northern Alps) and allowed for further discussions!

More information on a joint session MIARC/UVSQ/University of Oslo on collections of objects from the Arctic


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The team of "Gateway to the Arctic" 2023


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Visit of the LATMOS laboratory (lidars)


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Visit of the LATMOS laboratory (Testing and Integration Platform).


Credit (all photos): Marie Sikias


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