UArctic Chairs Hanne H. Christiansen, Arja Rautio and Jan Borm met at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in France, together with UArctic Chair Roland Kallenborn, who joined online, during a workshop entitled “One Health in the Arctic” to explore future transdisciplinary collaborative projects.

The workshop also served to discuss different spheres of engagement of UArctic Chairs in the University of the Arctic and their presence at international events such as the Arctic Circle, during a session with the online participation of UArctic President Lars Kullerud and UArctic VP Research Gunnar Stefánsson. There are currently twenty UArctic Chairs including a certain number who serve also as Mimir members. The Chairs cover a wide range of academic disciplines from all major scientific domains. The group represents a unique cluster of high-level expertise on Arctic issues that is ideally suited to initiate new transdisciplinary input and solutions to central questions such as public health, maritime security or the green transition to name but three. The workshop also served to envisage possibilities of receiving support for transdisciplinary projects led by UArctic Chairs via dedicated UArctic fundraising campaigns. Finally, the group considered developing new communication strategies to highlight the activities of UArctic Chairs.

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From left to right: UVSQ President Alain Bui, UArctic Chairs Hanne H. Christiansen, Arja Rautio and Jan Borm, as well as online UArctic Chair Roland Kallenborn (photo © J. Borm)

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