The ceremony was held online on 16 November 2022, bringing together French and Ukrainian academics.
The Rector of PNPU, Maryna Grynova, highlighted the numerous collaborations between her university and Jan Borm, Professor at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). Prof. Borm is also Vice President for International Relations at UVSQ, holder of the Chair in Arctic Humanities at the University of the Arctic and Director of the Malaurie Institute for Arctic Research (Monaco-UVSQ).
Maryna Grynova especially thanked Jan Borm for his involvement in the Erasmus+ project UTTERLY ("Teaching certification centres: an innovative approach to promoting teaching excellence") in which both PNPU and UVSQ are partners. Within the framework of this European project, Prof. Borm gave a series of online lectures to Bachelor and Master students of PNPU in Spring 2022 and a second series is currently underway. One of these lectures is dedicated to the work of Jean Malaurie.
In his speech, Jan Borm expressed his deep admiration and support for the lecturers and students of PNPU and his willingness to strenghthen future cooperation between French and Ukrainian institutions.