The team of the Malaurie Institute wishes Professor Jean Malaurie a happy 100th birthday and many happy returns!

Jean Malaurie was born a century ago on 22 December 1922 in Mainz, Germany, into a French family. Today, on 22 December 2022, we are celebrating the 100th birthday of one of the greatest explorers of the Arctic, and also a great explorer of Life. The energy, curiosity, talent and passion he developed throughout the course of his long life and career are an inspiration to us.

All his life, he has been working relentlessly on new projects. Among his recent activities, the donation of his Arctic collections to the Oceanographic Institute/Prince Albert 1st of Monaco Foundation; the creation of the Malaurie Institute Monaco-UVSQ, dedicated to the study of his work and research in the Arctic; the publication of a book, From Stone to Soul; and the exhibition of his pastel paintings which opened last week at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco (read more here).

Today, the team of the Malaurie Institute wishes Professor Jean Malaurie a happy 100th birthday and many happy returns!



 Images : Jean Malaurie (intro photo), Marie Sikias (above).


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