Jan Borm is Full Professor in British Literature at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) and UARCTIC Chair in Arctic Humanities (2022-2027). At UVSQ, he is also co-director of the interdisciplinary Master 2 programme “Arctic Studies” affiliated with the University of Paris-Saclay, France’s leading research university. Jan Borm is a specialist of travel literature and writings about the Arctic. He has published numerous articles and book chapters in English, French and German.

He is the author of the portrait Jean Malaurie, un homme singulier (Paris: Éditions du Chêne, 2005) and co-editor of the volume dedicated to Jean Malaurie in the prestigious Cahier de l’Herne series (Paris: Éditions de l’Herne, 2021), as well as co-editor of twelve collective volumes including Le Froid (Montreal: Presses universitaires du Québec, 2018). Past research project participations include “Green Greenland” (funded by the French Research Agency), POLARIS (FP7-Marie-Curie-IRSES) and EDU-ARCTIC (H2020), as well as the Erasmus+ project ERIS (Exploitation of Research Results in School Practice) focused on Arctic research and climate change in STEM education. He is currently participating in the Belmont Forum project NICH-Arctic (From Nunavik to Iceland: Climate, Human and Culture through time across the coastal (sub)Arctic North Atlantic).

In 2019, he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Lapland, in Rovaniemi (Finland).


List of publications

Nota: the list of articles and book chapters only includes publications for the last five years. 


Borm, Jan (2005) :Jean Malaurie, un homme singulier. Paris : Éditions du Chêne.

(Co-)Edited Volumes:

Borm, Jan and Matthew Graves (1996): Bruce Chatwin, Anatomy of Restlessness, London, Jonathan Cape, 1996.

Borm, Jan and Jean-Yves Le Diseez (2002) : Seuils et Traverses, 2 vols. Publications de l‘Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 2002.

Borm, Jan and Jean Viviès (2005): special issue “Récit de voyage“ of the online journal e-rea, Université de Provence (www.e-rea.org), numéro 3.1., printemps 2005, (ISSN 1638-1718).

Borm, Jan, Bernard Cottret and Jean-François Zorn (2006): Convertir/Se Convertir : regards croisés sur l‘histoire des missions chrétiennes. Paris : Nolin.

Borm, Jan and Catherine Delmas (2009): special issue “Voyage et écriture de l’ailleurs“ of the online journal Représentations, Université Stendhal-Grenoble III, ISSN 1951-6118 (<http://w3.u-grenoble3.fr/representations/>), hors série n°3.

Borm, Jan, Bernard Cottret and Mark Münzel (2010) : Christentum und der Natürliche Mensch, Beiträge zur französisch-deutschen Tagung “Christianisme et l‘homme naturel“ (Journée d‘études, Marburg, Januar 2007). Marburg: Förderverein “Völkerkunde in Marburg“ e.V., coll. “Curupira Workshop“, vol. 13.

Borm, Jan, Bernard and Monique Cottret (2011): Savoir et pouvoir au siècle des Lumières, colloque de Versailles et Potsdam, 2007-2008. Paris : éditions de Paris.

Borm, Jan and Benjamin Colbert (2014), Foreign Correspondence. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Borm, Jan and Daniel Chartier (2018), Le froid. Adaptation, production, effets, représentations. Montréal : Presses de l’Université du Québec, coll. “Droit au Pôle”.

Borm, Jan and Joanna Kodzik (2020), German Representations of the Far North (17th-19th centuries): Writing the Arctic, With a Preface by Jean Malaurie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing (paperback edition : Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2023).

Borm, Jan and Pierre Aurégan (2021): Cahier Jean Malaurie, Paris : Éditions de l’Herne.

Borm, Jan and Christophe Tournu (2022), Vivre et communiquer sa foi à l’époque moderne : confessionnalisations, réveils et récits de vie – Hommage à Bernard Cottret, Paris: Éditions Kimé.

Borm, Jan (2023):  Inter-Nord no. 22, online journal of the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ, Versailles. Open access: https://miarctic.org/images/publications/Inter-Nord/Inter-Nord_22.pdf,  ISSN: 2971-1487.

Borm, Jan, Joanna Kodzik and Axel E. Walter (2023), Representations of the West Nordic Isles: Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands. Kiel: Wachholtz Verlag.

Peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals:

Borm, Jan (2019): “A la recherche de l’Ultima Thulé. Quelques voyageurs contemporains dans le Nord-Ouest groenlandais”, in La Revue des Lettres modernes, numéro spécial “Voyages extrêmes” (sous la direction de Gilles Louÿs), Paris : Classiques Garnier, 47-64 (DOI : 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-09310-7.p.0007).

Borm, Jan (2020): “Lapland Under French Eyes: the second La Recherche expedition (1838-1839) narrated by Xavier Marmier”, in Arctic & Antarctic International Journal for Circumpolar Socio-Cultural Issues, vol. 14, 2020, 47-77. Open access: https://iacsi.hi.is/issues/2020_volume_14/3_article_vol_14.pdf

Borm, Jan, Joanna Kodzik and Sylvie Charbit (2021): “Producing and communicating natural history in the long 18th century: Moravian observations concerning Greenland’s climate in unpublished sources”, Polar Record, 57, E23. Doi: 10.1017/S0032247421000218

Borm, Jan and Bergur Djurhuus Hansen (2022), “The Faroe Islands visited by the French expedition ‘La Recherche’ in 1839. A presentation and discussion of the Faroese chapter of Xavier Marmier’s official account”, Fróðskaparrit - Faroese Scientific Journal, 2022, vol. 68, 5-34; https://doi.org/10.18602/fsj.v68i.139

Borm, Jan (2023): « Mani et Roumeli : Écrire la Grèce en dehors des sentiers battus », Viatica [En ligne], HS 6 | 2023, mis en ligne le 22 juin 2023, consulté le 14 septembre 2023. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/viatica/2930

Book Chapters:

Borm, Jan (2019): “Mit den Augen Frankreichs: Lappland und die zweite La Recherche-Expedition (1838-1840), erzählt von Xavier Marmier”, in Robert Charlier, Sven Trakulhun and Brunhilde Wehinger (eds.), Europa und die Welt. Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit. In memoriam Günther Lottes. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 175-187.

Borm, Jan and Joanna Kodzik (2020), “Introduction: Imagining and Representing the Arctic in German”, in Jan Borm and Joanna Kodzik (eds.), German Representations of the Far North (17th-19th centuries): Writing the Arctic, With a Preface by Jean Malaurie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 1-43.

Borm, Jan (2020): “Johann Miertsching’s Arctic Diary (1850-1854)”, in Jan Borm and Joanna Kodzik (eds.), German Representations of the Far North (17th-19th centuries): Writing the Arctic, With a Preface by Jean Malaurie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 130-148.

Borm, Jan (2021): “‘To seek out these poor sheep wandering in a land of darkness’ – Hans Egede in English, French and German texts from the 18th century until today”, in Aage Rydstrøm-Poulsen, Gitte Adler Reimer and Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen (eds.), Tro og samfund i Grønland i 300-året for Hans Egedes ankomst, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 343-357 (also published in the Greenlandic edition).

Borm, Jan (2022) : “Introduction”, in Jan Borm and Christophe Tournu (eds.), Vivre et communiquer sa foi à l’époque moderne : confessionnalisations, réveils et récits de vie – Hommage à Bernard Cottret, Paris: Éditions Kimé, 11-17.

Borm, Jan, Joanna Kodzik and Axel E. Walter (2023): “Introduction”, in Jan Borm, Joanna Kodzik and Axel E. Walter (eds.), Representations of the West-Nordic Isles. Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands. Kiel: Wachholtz Verlag, 2023, vii-xviii.

Borm, Jan (2023): “‘This island so sad and beautiful’ – Iceland seen by the French expedition La Recherche in the 1830s – from scientific observation to cultural representation”, in Jan Borm, Joanna Kodzik and Axel E. Walter (eds.), Representations of the West-Nordic Isles. Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands. Kiel: Wachholtz Verlag, 2023, pp. 173-203.

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