Joanna Kodzik is Junior Full Professor (tenure track) in Arctic Humanities at the Malaurie Institute. She was previously Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (2016-2022), working notably within the framework of the Horizon 2020 project EDU-ARCTIC. Before 2016, she was Research Fellow at the Leibniz Institute for History and Culture in Eastern Europe (GWZO), University of Leipzig, in 2015-2017 and Research Fellow at the Institute of History, University of Potsdam, in 2012-2014. She received her PhD in early modern German Studies from Nikolaus Copernikus University in Torun, Poland, in 2012, after graduating from there in German Studies with a focus on Cultural History. She also graduated in Sociology and Psychology from FernUniversität, Hagen, Germany.

Her research interests include: the History and literature of the German-speaking regions in the early modern period; the cultural history of the European Arctic; Moravian missionary writing; the history of knowledge about the Arctic as well as the history of communication, ceremonial and performance studies.


List of publications

Nota: the list of articles and book chapters only includes publications for the last five years. To download the full list of publications, please click HERE.


Kodzik, Joanna and Sumarliði R. Ísleifsson: "Hve aumir og blindir þeir eru". Dionysius Piper á Íslandi 1740-1743 - bréf og aðrir textar. ["How poor and blind they are". Dionysius Piper in Iceland 1740-1743 - letters and other texts.] Reykjavik 2024 (forthcoming).

Kodzik, Joanna (2015): Ceremoniał polskiego dworu królewskiego w XVII wieku z perspektywy niemieckich uczonych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie.

Kodzik, Joanna (2014): Der polnische Hof im Blick der Zeremonialwissenschaft. Eine systemtheoretische Studie. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag.

(Co-)Edited Volumes:

Kodzik Joanna/ Jan Borm/ Axel E. Walter (2023): Represenation of the West-Nordic Isles. Greenland – Iceland – Faroer Island. Kiel: Wachholz Verlag.

Kodzik Joanna/ Jan Borm (2020): German Representations of the Far North (17th- 19th Centuries): Writing the Arctic. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

Kodzik Joanna/ Anna Mikołajewska (2019): Reisen, Wahrnehmen, Kommunizieren im deutsch-polnischen Kontext in der Frühen Neuzeit – Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Włodzimierz Zientara (UMK). Bremen: edition lumieré.

Kodzik Joanna/ Włodzimierz Zientara (2016): Hybride Identitäten in den preußisch – polnischen Stadtkulturen der Aufklärung. Studien zur Aufklärungsdiffusion zwischen Stadt und Land, zur Identitätsbildung und Kulturaustausch in regionalen und internationalen Kommunikationsnetzwerken. Bremen: edition lumieré.

Peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals:

Kodzik, Joanna (2023): From Justification to Inclusion. “Using the North” in the Moravian official communication from Greenland in the 18th century, Deshima 17, pp. 7-25.

Kodzik, Joanna (2023): Construtions of the Arctic in Moravian early travel diaries to Greenland, Inter-Nord 22, pp. 118-129.

Kodzik, Joanna (2021): Mensch, Natur, Klima: Kommunikation und Rezeption von Wissen aus der Arktis im Mittel- und Osteuropa der Frühen Neuzeit, Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte 23, pp. 45-71.

Kodzik, Joanna/ Jan Borm/ Sylvie Charbit (2021): Producing and communicating natural history in the long 18th century: Moravian observations concerning Greenland’s climate in unpublished sources, Polar Record, 57, E23. doi:10.1017/S0032247421000218.

Kodzik, Joanna (2020): Polarlichter. Kommunizieren über Naturphänomene in den Netzwerken der polnischen Gelehrten Republik im 18. Jahrhundert, Bulletin der Polnischen Historischen Mission in Würzburg (Biuletyn Polskiej Misji Historycznej) 15, pp. 175-201. (

Kodzik, Joanna (2019): Moravian Missions in the European Arctic during the Enlightenment: collecting, classifying and communicating knowledge (Greenland, Iceland and Lapland), Arctic and Antarctic. International Journal of Circumpolar sociocultural issues 13, pp. 55-71.

Book Chapters:

Kodzik, Joanna (2024): “Moravian journeys to Lapland in the 18th century - communication, indigenous traditions and environment”, in: Jan Borm (ed.):  Figures of Lapland: Practice and Mediations of Sámi Culture Yesterday and Today. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming).

Kodzik, Joanna (2024): “Circulation of knowledge about the Faroe Islands among German Protestants in the 17th and 18th centuries”, in: Jan Brom/ Bergur D. Hansen/ Sumarliði R. Ísleifsson (eds.): Iceland and the Faroe Islands seen from within and without: cross-cultural perspectives, 17th-21st century. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming).

Kodzik, Joanna (2024): „Das herrnhutische Wissen über die europäische Arktis (Grönland, Island, Lappland) und die deutschsprachige Gelehrtenwelt im 18. Jahrhundert“, in Wolfgang Breul (ed.): Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Theologie – Geschichte - Wirkung, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 589-607.

Kodzik, Joanna, Jan Borm and Axel E. Walter (2023): “Introduction”, in Jan Borm, Joanna Kodzik and Axel E. Walter (eds.), Representations of the West-Nordic Isles. Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands. Kiel: Wachholtz Verlag, pp. vii-xviii.

Kodzik, Joanna (2023): “Representation of Iceland in religious context of the Moravian Church as an outcome of cultural mobility”, in: Jan Borm, Joanna Kodzik, Axel E. Walter (eds.): Representation of the West-Nordic Isles. Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Island. Kiel: Wachholz Verlag, pp. 103-128.

Kodzik, Joanna (2022): „La reception des observations arctiques moraves en France à l’époque des Lumières”, in: Jan Borm et Christophe Tournu (sous la direction de), Vivre et communiquer sa foi à l’époque moderne : Confessionnalisations, réveils et récits de vie. Hommage à Bernard Cottret. Paris: Édtions Kimé, pp. 293-309.

Kodzik, Joanna (2021): „Hans Egede, the Moravians and the Greenlanders. Communication during a crisis at the edge of the world”, in: Aage Rydstrøm-Poulsen, Gitte Adler Reimer and Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen (eds.): Tro og samfund i Grønland i 300‑året for Hans Egedes ankomst. Aarhus: Universitetsforlag, pp. 103-119.

In Greenlandic: In: Upperisaq inuiaqatigiillu Hans Egedep tikinneranit ukiut 300-t qaangiunnerann (En del af fagområderne Historie og Teologi), af Å. Rydstrøm-Poulsen, G. Adler Reimer og A. Nyborg Lauritsen. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Kodzik, Joanna (2021): „Circulation of Arctic Knowledge among German Protestants in the Eighteenth Century – The Example of David Cranz´s Historie von Grönland”, in: Felicity Jensz/ Christina Petterson (eds.): The Legacies of David Cranz's 'Historie von Grönland' (1765), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 117-139.

Kodzik, Joanna (2020): „Observation, Knowledge and Religion. Mobility of Ideas in David Cranz’s Representation of Greenland”, in: Jan Borm/ Joanna Kodzik (eds.): German representations of the Far North (17th-19th Centuries): Writing the Arctic, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 65-91.

Kodzik Joanna/ Jan Borm (2020): „Introduction. Imagining and Representing the Arctic in German”, in: Joanna Kodzik/ Jan Borm (eds.): German representations of the Far North (17th-19th Centuries): Writing the Arctic, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-45.

Kodzik, Joanna/ Anna Mikołajewska (2019): „Einleitung“, in: Joanna Kodzik/ Anna Mikołajewska (eds.): Reisen, Wahrnehmen, Kommunizieren im deutsch-polnischen Kontext in der Frühen Neuzeit – Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Włodzimierz Zientara (UMK), Bremen: edition lumieré, pp. 13-18.

Kodzik, Joanna (2019): „Im Wirtshaus und in der Postkutsche. Herrnhutische Kommunikationsstrategen auf Reisen am Beispiel Polen-Litauens“, in: Joanna Kodzik/ Anna Mikołajewska (eds.): Reisen, Wahrnehmen, Kommunizieren im deutsch-polnischen Kontext in der Frühen Neuzeit – Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Włodzimierz Zientara (UMK). Bremen: edition lumieré, pp. 79-99.

Kodzik, Joanna (2019): „Enttäuschte Erwartungen“ in der Kommunikation der polnischen Adeligen mit der Brüder-Unität in Herrnhut im 18. Jahrhundert“, in: Robert Charlier/ Sven Trakulhun/ Brunhilde Wehinger (eds.): Europa und die Welt. In memoriam Günther Lottes. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, pp. 209-225.

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