Two MIARC members, Alexandre Delangle and Eda Ayaydin, have recently published articles on the most recent political developments in and around the Arctic.



After retracing the key stages of US diplomacy in the Arctic throughout the 19th century and 20th century, Alexandre Delangle focuses on the renewed policy and role of the United States in the region, and imagines what the situation could be in ten years' time. 

Alexandre Delangle, "Quand Washington retourne en Arctique", America, 20 February 2023. Read here


While putting into perspective the composition of the Arctic Council compared to that of other institutions (OSCE, European Court of Human Rights), Eda Ayaydin analyzes the functioning of the Arctic Council which has undergone tremendous change in the last couple of years. 

Eda Ayaydin, "The Arctic Council, A Strengthening Descent From Pantheon to Agora", High North News, Op-Ed, 22 May 2023. Available here


The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of MIARC.

Photo credit: Marie Sikias




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