Erki Tammiksaar, Associate Professor in history of science, Director of the Centre for Science Studies at the Estonian University of Life Sciences and history of geography at the Tartu University will give this lecture as a part of the Jean Malaurie guest lecture series at the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ.

Tammiksaar will stay at MIARC from 20-24 January 2025 as a visiting scholar and participate among others in the international Workshop: "Aurora borealis - observations, descriptions and visualisations" organized by MIARC on 23 January 2025 at UVSQ/ University Paris Saclay (France).

Tammiksaar’s publications are dedicated to scientific activities of Karl Ernst von Baer (1792-1876), the history of science in Estonia in the 19th and 20th centuries, the role of Baltic German scientists in the scientific and political activities of the Russian Empire in the 19th century.  He focuses especially on the Kamchatka explorer Karl von Ditmar (1822-1892), Gerhard von Maydell (1835-1894), Alexander von Bunge (1851-1930), Georg Adolf Erman (1806-1877), Mathias von Hedenström (1780-1845), Alexander Theodor von Middendorff (1815-1894), Alexander Graf Keyserling's (1815-1891) scientific expeditions and others. He is the author of a monograph on A. Th. v. Middendorff (2015) and on the history of Tartu University (2023) in the 20th century.

The guest lecture will be given at UVSQ’s D’Alembert building, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 13:00-14:30, 11 boulevard d'Alembert, 78280 Guyancourt (France). If you wish to participate, please contact Joanna Kodzik (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).



Alexander von Keyserling/ Paul Theodor von Krusenstern: Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land, im Jahre 1843 (C. Kray, St. Petersburg, 1846).

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