The University of Greenland in Nuuk is hosting the exhibition “Arctic Twilight, pastels by Jean Malaurie”, May 2 through June 30, 2023.

During her opening speech, Gitte Adler Reimer, Rector of Ilisimatusarfik, called Jean Malaurie “a very close friend of Greenland”, reminding the audience that Malaurie was recipient of the Nersornaat Gold Medal from the Government of Greenland in 2009, adding: “As the Rector of Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland – I am thrilled to have the opportunity to celebrate the one-hundredth birthday of such a distinguished person… This exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Ilisimatusarfik, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, and the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research, Monaco-UVSQ. It is a true testament to the power of collaboration and the importance of celebrating the works of influential figures in the field of art and culture.”

Rector Reimer concluded by welcoming the President of UVSQ Alain Bui.

In his speech, President Bui observed: “Your beautiful university reflects the essential place of education and science in society.” He ended by thanking Rector Reimer “most heartily for hosting this exhibition which will give us a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the connections between our two universities.”

The Director of MIARC, Prof. Jan Borm, then presented a brief outline of the long and exceptional career of Jean Malaurie, born in 1922.

The opening ended with a message from Jean Malaurie read by the Director of MIARC: “Dear Rector Gitte Adler Reimer, I am truly honoured that an exhibition of my pastels is organized in your magnificent university. In my thoughts I am deeply attached to my friends in Thule. I would therefore like to send my best wishes to the people of Greenland to whom I remain intimately tied.”

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Above: Opening of the exhibition 'Arctic Twilight, pastels by Jean Malaurie' at the University of Greenland in Nuuk, 2 May 2023. From left to right: Gitte Adler Reimer, Rector of the University of Greenland; Joanna Kodzik (MIARC), Jan Borm (MIARC), Catherine Billard, 1st Vice-President UVSQ ; Alain Bui, President of UVSQ;  Paneeraq Siegstad Munk, Bishop of Greenland.

Expo Malaurie UGreenland JB Bishop resized2

Expo Malaurie UGreenland tableaux resized2

Photo credit: Jan Borm (all photos)



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