Students of UVSQ and Alexandre Delangle, early stage researcher at MIARC, took part in a “Blended Intensive Programme” (BIP) funded by the European Union (Erasmus+) and organised by MIARC Junior Full Professor Joanna Kodzik.
The BIP, entitled “European history in German archives: a summer course for young researchers” (June 19-23), allowed participants to learn more on historical climate data from Greenland and Sweden, as well as communication networks about the Arctic of the Societas Meteorologica Palatina (1781-1795).
The Societas Meteorologica Palatina was the first meteorological society to conduct weather observations worldwide by using standardized measuring instruments, observation instructions and forms for recording data.
Hiram Kümper, Full Professor for the History of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times at the University of Mannheim, invited students and teachers from UVSQ and universities in Reims (FR), Strasbourg (FR), Ljubljana (SL) and Pardubice (CZ) to discover sources related to history, historical climatology and international relations in state, private and company archives in Mannheim and Speyer, as well as the Federal Archives in Koblenz, and to discuss questions such as collecting and connecting archival material as well as discovering other archival cultures.