Alexandre Delangle is a Visiting Fulbright Research Scholar and PhD candidate (MIARC/UVSQ/Paris Saclay) spending Fall 2023 with the Institute of Arctic Studies in the Dickey Center. His Fulbright grant supports his studies of Dartmouth's world-renowned Stefansson Polar Collection, where he seeks to learn more about the influence of Vihjalmur Stefansson on U.S. Arctic foreign policy.
His broad interests in the Arctic focus on Greenland, U.S. Foreign Policy, and World War II. A graduate of the Université Paris-Saclay's Master 2 programme in Arctic Studies, Environment, Development and Culture in 2020 with distinction, his masters' thesis also focused on Stefansson's foreign policy influence.
Prior to pursuing studies in Arctic geopolitical history, Delangle studied at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas/ University of Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne for a master's degree in Political Science and International Relations. From 2020-2022, he also served as a Teaching Assistant in Modern Languages at Albion College, Michigan, for studies of French language & civilization.

Credit: Alexandre Delangle