Alexandre Delangle is currently a Visiting Fulbright Research Scholar spending Fall 2023 with the Institute of Arctic Studies in the Dickey Center (Dartmouth). 

A doctoral student at MIARC/UVSQ/Paris Saclay, Alexandre is currently working on his PhD dissertation, under Professor Borm’s supervision. His thesis is dedicated to Vihjalmur Stefansson and U.S. Arctic foreign policy in the years 1918-1951. His Fulbright grant supports his studies of Dartmouth's world-renowned Stefansson Polar Collection, where he seeks to learn more about the influence of Vihjalmur Stefansson on U.S. Arctic foreign policy. 

Alexandre graduated from the Université Paris-Saclay’s Master 2 programme in Arctic Studies – Environment, Development and Culture in 2020 with distinction (mention “très bien”). His masters’ thesis entitled “Prophesying Arctic Power, Vilhjalmur Stefansson and the United States’s strategic polar culture 1918-1951” supervised by J. Borm received the grade of 20 out of 20, unprecedented in the history of the programme launched in 2010. 

Prior to his Arctic Studies degree, he graduated from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas/ University of Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne with a masters degree in Political Science – International Relations. He was also a Teaching Assistant at Albion College, Michigan, in the Modern Languages Department where he was teaching French language & civilization to Freshmen and Senior students (2020-2022). 

His research interests include the Arctic especially Greenland, U.S. Foreign Policy and World War II.


List of publications

Peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals:

Alexandre Delangle, “Boots in the snow: Vilhjalmur Stefansson and the expansive defense of Arctic America” (forthcoming), ARCTIC & ANTARCTIC International Journal of Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues, 35p.:

Alexandre Delangle, “‘A steppingstone between two worlds’, an American strategic (re)discovery of Iceland through the 1939 New York World’s Fair and Vilhjalmur Stefansson”(forthcoming), 31p., Inter-Nord 23

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