Floralie Dupré

Floralie Dupré worked with MIARC in 2023. She is currently enrolled in a Master's degree in European and International Relations at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENSL).

After two years in CPGE (post secondary education) at Henri IV in Paris, she was admitted to the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENSL) where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Anglophone studies.

During her studies, she had the opportunity to do some research work on Sami reindeer herding, on the misrepresentation of Indigenous people in contemporary American mass media, as well as on the Iñupiat's relationship to their territory and culture faced with climate change.

She is mainly interested in climate change, resilience and Indigenous rights and epistemology. Her research for her Master's degree focuses on the Indigenous Navigator as a new environmental justice tool in Sápmi.

During her internship at MIARC, she reviewed Jean Malaurie's memoirs (De la pierre à l'âme, Plon, 2022), mapped Arctic Collections in France and Monaco, and catalogued Jean Malaurie's archives.

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