Olga Lauter

Olga Lauter is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Anthropology at the University of Texas at El Paso and a PhD student at MIARC/UVSQ/Paris-Saclay under the supervision of Professor Jan Borm and of Associate Professor Alexandra Lavrillier. Her research is focused on urban anthropology in the Arctic. Her other research interests include rural-to-urban migration, co-production of Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge, cross-cultural religious experiences, and ethnohistory.

Olga is currently a Principle Investigator on the awarded NSF NNA Incubator grant (NSF NNA Award #2318393 - "Improving Culturally Sensitive Energy Strategies in the Arctic Residential Buildings with the Co-Production of Knowledge Framework"). She completed a 4 year-long fieldwork in collaboration with the urban Yup’ik population in 2022. She serves as a board member of USAPECS (United States Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) that works on improving collaborations between early career researchers and polar organizations.

Olga earned a master’s in Linguistics and Teaching: English/German from the State Linguistic University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, and a bachelor’s degree in Applied Foreign Languages: German and Russian from the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.


List of Publications:

Peer-reviewed articles in scinetific journals:

Adasheva, E., Ashokkumar L., Helmberger, M.N., Labe, Z.M., Lauter, O., Shadab, M.A., Vanek, S. (accepted for review). Exploring the past, present, and future of USAPECS: lessons from a decade of supporting early career research across national and international polar networks. Arctic Yearbook.

Lauter, O. (2023). Challenges in combining Indigenous and scientific knowledge in the Arctic. Polar Geography, 46(1), pp. 62-74.

Lauter, O. (under review) Влияние исторической травмы на юпиков Аляски. The Impact of historical trauma on the Alaskan Yupik Indigenous Peoples. Article for the conference proceeding of IX International symposium on American studies “History of Americas: Individual, People, Cultures”, Saint-Petersburg, June 24-25, 2020.

Lauter, O. (2019). Protestant and Orthodox Missions in Alaska: Sheldon Jackson's and Ivan Veniaminov’s activities. Arctic: History and Modernity: pp. 9-13.

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